Gli hashtag adottati in rete assumano nel mio pensiero la valenza di una bandiera, un tricolore con parole scritte in verde e rosso, sugli sfondi bianchi dei supporti: motti, inni, parole totemiche che accomunano la collettività di individui, da #IORESTOACASA a #INSIEMECELAFAREMO, da #STAYHOME a #LACULTURANONSIFERMA.
“This page was born as a diary. A gallery that wants to be like a story of perceptions and feelings addressed to the Covid-19 health emergency. Since February 29, unexpectedly closed, like millions of people scattered throughout Italy, in my home in Venice I have matured a series of works, each of them bearing a name with the prefix nCov2019.
©️ Gabriele Romeo
Note: All external photos were taken on the way to go shopping at the supermarket.
#gabrieleromeo #art #contemporaryart #covid19 #stayhome #iorestoacasa #venezia #banksy #arthistorian #artcritic